25 October 2012

So I'm Home...

I don't feel very creative - but I want to blog. And quotes are always a wonderful for the soul, so today, quotes it is. Here are my owns hopes, worries and feelings via quotes.

"Do we want to be quitters, or do we want to be valiant servants in spite of all the opposition and evil in the world? Let us have the courage to stand up and be counted as true, devoted followers of Christ.” 
-President N. Eldon Tanner 

 "I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now." 
-C.S. Lewis 

 "Follow your dreams - they know the way." -Anonymous 

"God expects you not simply to face the future; He expects you to embrace and shape the future- to love it, rejoice in it, and delight in your opportunities." 
-Elder Jeffrey R. Holland 

 "A person can succeed at almost anything for which they have unlimited enthusiasm." 
-Charles M. Schwab 

"Many young women are serving missions. Many are preparing to serve, not because they aren’t married or have nothing else to do, but because they have a desire to serve and therefore are being called to the work. The reason so many are going is because in the next generation, Heavenly Father will be sending his Priesthood Army to the earth. And He wants to send them to mothers who have been properly trained and taught in the gospel. And what better training can a young woman have than that of serving a mission!"  
-President Hinckley 

"In the service of the Lord, it is not where you serve but how." -David O. McKay 

 "We've got a lot to learn God knows we're worth it No, I won't give up" -Jason Mraz

27 February 2012

What Can I Give on My Mission?

30 days from today, I'll be on a plane, heading to Brazil where my life will forever be changed. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I'm SO excited!!!!!

I can't help but to grin ear to ear and get all giddy when I realize what serving a mission for the Recife people means to me. What it means for those whose lives I touch. For those whose lives will touch mine. For those family members and friends that I leave behind for 18 months. It's all about bringing souls to Christ. And I get to be a part of it!

I have to give myself some credit for all this waiting I've been doing. Haha, for goodness sakes, I have been wanting to be a missionary since I was 8!

I love all the different Mormon Message videos that the Church puts out on a monthly basis! And this one definitely had an impeccable release time for me! =)

I'm going on a mission, and NOTHING is going to stop me! I have the blessing of my family's support. My brother, who is a current missionary, told me this week in his letter: "GET ON THAT MISSION NO MATTER WHAT!!! Ok?!"

=) Okay. I will go and do! With a smile on my face too!!!

21 January 2012

My Dad & The Best Gift

Today I realized something very significant. Earlier today I had the opportunity to go to a little's girl's baptism where she was able to be baptized and given the gift of the Holy Ghost by her father. It was today that I realized that my earthly father has given me THE greatest gift that I could EVER have. He gave me the Holy Ghost. 13 years ago, my worthy father gave me a gift that will forever keep in touch with my Heavenly Father, and oh how grateful I am for that!

The Holy Ghost has constantly been with me since I was 8, so it is hard for me to realize what is was like without it. But then there are those days that I can't feel Him as close, and it's then when I realize how much I depend on Him to keep me going through every day life.

What can I do better to have the Spirit attend my life? Why is He is important in each of our lives?

What an immense blessing to have a member of the Godhead in my life consistently

02 January 2012

A New Year & Winnie the Pooh

So this week, real life starts again. Christmas decorations are taken down, New Year's resolutions have been made and hopefully the holiday goodies will disappear quickly too. With so much ahead of me and so much to do on my checklist, it is hard to figure out where to begin.

But every day I find little treasures of encouragement from my Heavenly Father that keep me going. Like this one from Christopher Robin to Pooh; "Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. " I can't help but take this piece of encouragement to heart.

I love that although Pooh is a plump little guy, obsessed with honey, he still finds ways to be happy and embraces being his own self.

I'm thinking that the one big New Year's resolution that I am going to focus on is love myself better.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined!" -Henry David Thoreau

2012 is a new year. Full of opportunities to love, laugh and grow. Here we go!