05 October 2011

Waiting for My Golden Ticket

Today, Heavenly Father gave me my own golden ticket learning experience. I felt like I was running around being dramatic about not having received my mission call in the mail yet. I found myself at work, thirsting for some encouraging words. I first turned on a talk given by President Uchtdorf from the Saturday Morning Session of General Conference, in which I was reminded of a wonderful truth. Even though God is the Master creator of this grand universe, He cares about me. I matter to Him.

Then I went on to listen to President Uchtdorf's talk from the General Relief Society meeting, where he related of the story of Charlie and Chocolate Factory and his quest for a golden ticket. He said there are some who wait for those golden tickets to make their life happy, all the while missing the simple beauties of life - "The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments. They are the ones who, thread by daily thread, weave a tapestry of gratitude and wonder throughout their lives. These are they who are truly happy."

It was after this talk that I realized what I needed to do. I need to stop waiting for my golden ticket, waiting for my happiness to be defined by a single event, I need to live now. The wonderful thing is that I get my golden ticket (receiving my mission call) and enjoy the everyday moments too! I just don't get to pick the timing. =D When I realized this, my day was turned around. I haven't been this truly happy in about 4 weeks now! And oh, does it feel so good! The gospel of Jesus Christ does that for me; gives me light during my darkest night. It lightens all around me and helps me embrace what God wants me to embrace.

I love my Heavenly Father. He is oh so good!

This past weekend, a second Provo temple was announced! And I'm SO EXCITED. They are renovating the Provo Tabernacle to make it a new temple, and I couldn't be more happy with the decision! I just love that we live in a time where there are people worthy to enter the House of the Lord