11 September 2011

Burdens. Whose Are They?

Life is full of many things that burden us down, and if we are not careful, we might just keep us down. Recently I've been feeling those burdens weighing me down, but it wasn't until after three full hours of church, and I was finishing up listening to a fireside that I realized what the Spirit was trying to help me realize for a while.

My burdens aren't my own, well, if I choose them to be that way. Christ has atoned for me. He can help me carry those burdens, I don't have to do it alone. I can't do it alone. In Matthew 11, verse 30, it says: "for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light". When we choose to take our burdens and given them to Christ, our burdens our shared. They become, in part, His burdens too and then we share that yoke with Christ, and oh is it so much better that way! =)

04 September 2011


How come Sundays are so hard for me so much of the time? I don't know why for sure. But what I'm thinking is that it can be a day full of so much spiritual growing between going to church, visiting with friends and talking with my friends. So with so much potential to help us grow and become more who are supposed to, Sundays must be something the devil attacks very hard because of its potential. I feel like Sundays are always a roller coaster of emotions; joy, sadness, accomplished, incompetence, smiling, grumpiness. And this Sunday is no exception. But this blog post is already making me feel better.

I seem to always put on a happy face, but not let people into what is really going on in my heart. So I figured today I might as well just spill my guts. I have this habit of worrying too much about what is coming around the corner instead of enjoying the moment. What's up with that? I guess it is just one of those human tendencies that I get to improve on. Until then, I'll continually have to remind myself to give myself grace when I realize all the different places I am falling short.

In a conversation I had with my dad earlier this summer, he told me that God could tell us everything about the future of our life, but then that wouldn't allow us to trust in Him every step of the way as we continue to make our daily decisions. And it is so true. There is reasoning in as to why we don't know what exactly we are doing with our lives every step of the way.

You know what though? Some day I will serve a mission. Some day I will get married. Some day I will graduate from college Some day I will have children to call my own. It really will all happen, and God has it all figured out. All I have to worry about is today and the rest will take care of itself because that is just God works - He takes care of me, and He'll take care of you.