01 June 2010

So today I think I have a bit better understanding of what it means to me that my life is in the hands of the Lord. Completely unexpectedly, the restaurant I waitress for, closed down today. Now I am left speechless and jobless. Yet my heart is full of trust while I seek out my path for the rest of this summer Heavenly Father has planned out for me. Now the only thing I need to do is take that step of faith.

03 March 2010

Time Just Flies By!

So I have had to put my blog on the back burner these last couple of months because life has just been plain crazy! It has been wonderful though! A day doesn't go by that I don't realize in at least some little way that Heavenly Father has helped me out and that is all that counts really! I hope I can start to blog with a little bit more frequency! :D