Lives have been lost. Children's feet bloodied as they traveled to Zion. Baptisms in the middle of a freezing winter night to avoid persecuting neighbors. But then because of their sufferings, now families are united in the joy of learning that the Church which Christ established had returned to its fullness once again. There are 130+ Temples for us to worship the Lord more fully. Hearts have been healed through the Atonement. And The Book of Mormon stands as another witness of Jesus as the Christ and a daily necessity for me in the crazy world.
The horrid persecutions of the early LDS (Mormon) church members are not well known to others outside of the Church, but their history still stands as a testimony of what they believed, what they stood for. And what they stood for is what I stand for today. What is my LDS church membership? Everything to me. And especially on a day like yesterday, Mormon Pioneer Day, I remember what has been sacrificed by my forefathers, and grateful to put down my own kinds of sacrifices. But the question is - what am I sacrificing?
Instead of mourning over my family's losses, I rejoice in the wonderful gift they have passed on to me: my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They have led my family to build our lives on the foundation that only Jesus Christ can provide, "which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." (Helaman 5:12). I feel the best way I can live up to rich Pioneer heritage, is to strengthen my testimony each and every day. Strive to be Christ-like in all that I do. Love those around me. See the good in everything and everyone. Focus on the moments that matter. And most of all, enjoy the wonderful family that God has given me today.
My Mormon Pioneer Ancestors: