11 September 2011

Burdens. Whose Are They?

Life is full of many things that burden us down, and if we are not careful, we might just keep us down. Recently I've been feeling those burdens weighing me down, but it wasn't until after three full hours of church, and I was finishing up listening to a fireside that I realized what the Spirit was trying to help me realize for a while.

My burdens aren't my own, well, if I choose them to be that way. Christ has atoned for me. He can help me carry those burdens, I don't have to do it alone. I can't do it alone. In Matthew 11, verse 30, it says: "for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light". When we choose to take our burdens and given them to Christ, our burdens our shared. They become, in part, His burdens too and then we share that yoke with Christ, and oh is it so much better that way! =)

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