30 November 2011

The Real Me

I love knowing about my true identity. It gives life so much more meaning.

I am-

A child of God.
Excited about the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
A friendly person, who is making a difference in the world, one person at a time.
Going to be a missionary =)

I love who I am becoming.

09 November 2011

A Beautiful Heartbreak

Life is a constant struggle. Constant. But I feel that as continue on through all the struggles in my life that God requires of me, I can never truly forget that God loves me. Even through the tears, the pains of frustrations, the unfilled expectations and the unexpected turns of life - my spirit never gives up the hope and the reality that God does live. He lives. And He knows the songs I cannot sing.

I'm realizing now, more than ever before, that my life is a Beautiful Heartbreak. Thank you Hilary Weeks for this beautiful song and music video.

02 November 2011

I'm Going on a Mission!!!

Three weeks ago I received the best of piece of mail that probably I'll ever receive in this life. I received my mission call. And I am humbled to tell the world that I have been called to the Brazil Recife mission! There, I will serve the people of Northeastern Brazil for 18 months. I will learn to speak in their native tongue - Portuguese - and it will be the hardest, yet the best, experience of my life thus far.

Tonight I was watching this video about Jesus Christ and, in reflecting on the Atonement, I realized that this is the purpose of my mission to Recife. I have the most magnificent blessing to share the message of the Infinite Atonement. And what a most precious gift that has become to me. I have a Savior who loves me. I have a Father in Heaven who forgives me so constantly and frequently, I can't but help feel of His great love for me when I recognize this. And I have the blessing of having the Holy Ghost constantly at my side and in my heart - which helps me remember that I am never alone, even though I have been inclined to feel like that a lot lately.

And this weekend, I have the opportunity to become closer to Heaven then I have ever been before. And I am so grateful that this time has finally come. It has definitely been a bit of a bumpy road -- BUT -- I am clean. I am worthy. And I am ready to make this next step in my life. I am ready to take His name upon me more fully.

For any of you out there who are hiding from the shadows of your past - listen up. I know the Lord is tapping on your heart - telling you to change. I've been where you are now. And the burden is so heavy to carry. I once carried that weight too. I testify to you that this side of life - a side only possibly with a repentant heart and aid of Church leaders -is SO worth it. The Lord loves YOU. Bring it into the light. And in the light you will stay with His help. =) Where else could be better then that?

When you begin to kid yourself that your effort to be a little better isn't good enough, consider this from Elder James E. Talmage; "the best, if offered willingly and with pure intent, is always excellent in the sight of God, however poor by other comparison that best may be."